About DX DPoS

Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) is a consensus algorithm developed to secure a blockchain by ensuring representation of transactions within it. DPoS is designed as an implementation of technology-based democracy, using voting and election process to protect blockchain from centralization and malicious usage. (reference: https://en.bitcoinwiki.org/wiki/DPoS)

Nowadays, DPoS as a consensus mechanism is applied to more and more cryptocurrencies. The validators are responsible for generating blocks and verifying transactions on the chain, greatly increasing the total throughput of the chain.

DxChain DPoS Economic Model is the most Intelligent model that can adjust the amount of Delegates and Staking reward pool based on the number of total stakes on DxChain Network. We are aiming to ensure a sufficient yield rate and incentive to our community members by keeping the yield rate higher than 7%.

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